Viewer PFF Display Form2* Finished &Finished PrintMe Print &Me Display Terminal Display_ChangeG Command1_Click[ Finished_Click Selection1 Viewer Display_GotFocus. MyFile File1 FileNamea Scratch NextLine Display Text> Caption Load_Form Form_Click Form_Load Form_Resize ScaleWidthe ScaleHeight% PrintMe_Click; FormatFile FileToFormat Footer TotalLines LPRINT Locate EndOfFile SendFF8 count% Printer PrintFile_Click DrSelectioni Drive1 Drive Pathp PrintFile FontNameR OutLine FontSize FontBold5 TRUE| FALSE ctrlj Lines CurrentFile\ Display_LostFocus Form_GotFocus Printing Viewre Pointer MousePointer Display_KeyDown KeyCode Shift Display_KeyPress KeyAscii SelStart SelStartElse CurrentX Scratch2 Scratch1 BorderBox$ Source Action BLeftD BWide Width` BHigh Height Backcolor Text1 Form_Paint BorderBox2 Finished_Click Display_GotFocus You will only be able to view the first" 30K of the file" File Too Large Viewing - Size =" No File Specified" I Need a File! Form_Resize PrintMe_Click Printing ... Form_GotFocus Display_KeyPress Form_Paint BorderBox2 This sub works well only with VGA displays. For EGA displays, you will want to modify the backcolor properties for the form and controls, and avoid this procedure. Get coordinates Action TRUE means draw, FALSE means erase Draw a recessed border around Source controlo Erase border around Source controlc